2013-07 Part V - Bingen, Deutschland
/The bees are creating. Life is sweet to taste, full of vigour in this hot summer. So alive, the buzz…it's all around. Everything green, blooming, blood red roses, pastel purples and dots of white. The sunflowers bow down to the sungod and the wild iris' emulate the sun's heart; the rays of sun incarnate. Frantic, dripping with life, movement all around and a constant stir in the stillness of night.
July 19, 2013 Lena + Denis
I sit among these ruins early morning, only one other from our camping group is awake. I contemplate my place here…at this wedding and in Germany…So many good people who've come together in a place and time, never to be repeated. I'm so privileged to have this moment. The bees are alive here, the vowels are hard, the daylight and conversations are long…I've eaten so much good food and drink and had delightfully confusing conversations…those that leave you pondering the exact word…searching for meaning in a labyrinth of words. To wait and listen and in the dark a word is spoken…the exact word that one searched for and you find it among friends, pure innocent connection, so simple, as bees fly and make the honey. And yet, in simplicity there is richness. To know it's value is to see with eyes wide open.
I'm a woman touched. By cold water baptism, I feel brand new. My identity shifts, an infinity symbol makes me timeless. I am part of everyone and yet I float as shadows passing through a hot day, never to be the same and yet unchanged. The coming together of my left and right brain. The questions becoming more clear in a roundabout way; paths to truth. I see light images wherever I go…lucky in love and travelling and hammocks and pianos and birdsong and finding some truths. I am open and strangers see me, they see my spirit and I give it without reservation. I don't belong to anyone, not even to my own self.